Global Leadership and Entrepreneurship Academy
Global Training and Development Institute (GTDI) at the University of Connecticut (UConn) will host the Global Leadership and Entrepreneurship Academy focused on social entrepreneurship and leadership funded by a grant from the U.S. Embassy in Tashkent, Uzbekistan at the U.S. Department of State. Beginning in June 2025, a group of young leaders from Uzbekistan will visit UConn`s main campus in Storrs, CT for a three-week intensive academic exchange.
The GTDI will work together with the Center for International Social Work Studies at UConn to provide the Academy participants with transformative learning experience that deepens their professional skills, and enhance their leadership abilities, while providing them with new knowledge and practical skills in social entrepreneurship and economic development. The Academy will use a mix of workshops, group exercises, site visits, cultural activities, and applied problem-based learning to assist the participants to achieve the program goals. The short-term anticipated result of the program is that participants will gain a deeper understanding of social entrepreneurship and economic development, and enhanced leadership skills, all while creating positive socio-economic community impact with their pilot projects. In the long-term, the participants will use their new skills to build stronger international ties and professional networks between the U.S. and Uzbekistan.
Some highlights of the GLEA program will include
- GLEA Fellows will learn to design and implement projects to be completed upon returning home and may receive small grants to fund their implementation.
- Practical business and management skills in the areas of social entrepreneurship and economic development.
- The Center for International Social Work Studies will provide participants with international knowledge related to social, political and economic development and emphasize application of global human rights perspectives across the globe and Uzbekistan.
The Youth Empowerment Through International Exchange is a program of the U.S. Embassy in Tashkent, Uzbekistan with funding provided by the U.S. Government and administered by the Global Training and Development Institute at the University of Connecticut.
This project was funded by the Public Diplomacy Section of the United States Embassy in Tashkent. The content, opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed herein are those of the Author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. government.
Мазкур лойиҳа Тошкентдаги АҚШ элчихонаси Халқ дипломатияси бўлимининг молиявий кўмагида амалга оширилган. Бу ерда билдирилган фикр, мулоҳаза, хулоса ёки тавсиялар муаллиф(лар)га тегишли бўлиб, АҚШ ҳукуматининг расмий нуқтаи назарини акс эттирмайди.
Данный проект был осуществлен при финансовой поддержке Отдела народной дипломатии посольства США в Ташкенте. Все мнения, идеи, заключения или рекомендации выраженные здесь принадлежат автору(ам) и не отражают официальную точку зрения правительства США.