SUSI Summer 2015 - Muhammad Yaro Bah:

Muhammad Yaro Bah Photo
Participant Name: Muhammad Yaro Bah
Project Location: Bamako, Mali
Program: Study of the U.S. Institute (SUSI) on Social Entrepreneurship
Term: Summer 2015
Project Title: SAGE
UConn GTDI Project Award: Application Accepted & Funding Awarded


As a co-founder of SAGE in Mali, Muhammad plans and organizes workshops held in Malian high schools focusing on teaching students about leadership, entrepreneurship, technology and the English language. He also mentors students so that they may implement development projects to enhance their own communities in a variety of ways, including environmental sanitation and social advocacy. Muhammad believes in the importance of volunteerism as a tool to teach Malian youth about social problems and motivating them to make a difference in society.

Organization Information: SAGE

Student Advanced on Global Entrepreneurship (SAGE) is a well-known social venture that encourages the spirit of entrepreneurship and volunteerism among high school students. In Mali, the organization invites community leaders, as well as other SUSI alumni, to become mentors at targeted high schools to teach workshops on leadership, entrepreneurship, computer and technology skills, and English language classes. In order to instill community values in high school students, SAGE organizes volunteer opportunities specifically designed to inspire students to become change makers.