YSEALI Fall 2015 - Muhammad Ikhsan Purta:

Muhammad Ikhsan Purta Photo
Participant Name: Muhammad Ikhsan Purta
Project Location: Padang, Indonesia
Program: Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI)
Term: Fall 2015
Project Title: Wheel Ice Cream
UConn GTDI Project Award: Application Accepted & Funding Awarded


Ikhsan is passionate about making ice cream for the greater good. In order to help small farms sell extra milk, he uses local dairy products to make ice cream. He used grant funding to purchase a pasteurization ice cream machine, ingredients, and a freezer to store the ice cream. Now that Ikhsan is pursuing his Masters Degree at the University of Southern California, his team members run the social enterprise.

Five-Year Project Goals:

  • Develop Wheel food as one of the leading of dairy products in Indonesia
  • Start selling cheese, yogurt, milk, ice cream and establish a dairy bakery

Organization Information: Wheel Ice Cream

Wheel Ice Cream seeks to add product diversification to the Indonesian economy and add value to local dairy products from Malang, Indonesia. By creating competition in the dairy industry, the organization can increase the amount of milk farmers sell to make dairy products. Wheel Ice Cream can help to improve the standard of living by providing dairy farmers extra income as a result of new competition within the dairy industry. The organization separates itself from competitors because it shares profits with local dairy farmers in order to increase their standard of living in Malang. Wheel Ice Cream partners with the Dairy Products Farmers Association in Malang City, Batu, Indonesia.