YSEALI Fall 2018 - Charles Vincent Barrete:

Participant Name: | Charles Vincent Barrete |
Project Location: | Bohol, Philippines |
Program: | Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) |
Term: | Fall 2018 |
Project Title: | Bare Bargains |
UConn GTDI Project Award: | Application Accepted & Funding Awarded |
Charles Vincent Barrete is an Industrial Designer who is passionate about creating design solutions for social needs. He’s also adept at transforming his designs into prototypes and fabricating products manually or digitally. Currently, he actively convenes a network of 35 FabLabs in the Philippines (Fablab PH) in collaboration with the Department of Trade and Industry. As the Philippine Innovation Lead for Field Ready, he is exploring the opportunities in mobilizing FabLabPH’s capabilities for Humanitarian Aid. Prior to joining Field Ready, he designed and assisted in marketing upcycled plastic products for Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), whose goal is to create entrepreneurial opportunities for women in Tagbilaran City, Bohol. Through a YSEALI grant, he also spearheaded the creation of a social enterprise called Bare Bargains together with Hedz Paredes, Russell Guatno and Tet Pepito.
Organization Information: Bare Bargains
Website: https://www.facebook.com/barebargains/
Bare Bargains is a social enterprise that aims to reduce the sale of single use plastic sachets, a prevalent environmental hazard in the Philippines. Bare Bargains loans sari-sari store owners refillable dispenser-containers with products like oil, vinegar and laundry detergent, which are now commonly sold in sachets. Customers can now purchase these products in small, reusable containers. The loaned dispensers eliminate capital investment by store owners. Bulk purchasing keeps consumer prices affordable, while increasing store owners’ profit margin. The effectiveness of the enterprise will depend on how consumers embrace this change in buying behavior.